News — mothers day
Bluelicious Genuine Turquoise
k kameleon jewelry kbr008 kjp077 mothers day
Kameleon Jewelry Bracelet KBR008 with KJP077 from new Colours of Spring collection Bluelicious Genuine Turquoise. From our friend the Google: Turquoise comes from the name Turkish Stone and is worn for Luck, Protection & Healing. It is claimed to neutralize overacidity, alleviate rheumatism, pain & cramps, and have anti inflammatory and detoxifying properties. I like the way it looks too, just sayin.
Mother's Day Gift Set Peek
This beautiful Kameleon Jewelry Mothers Day Bracelet gift set will be arriving early April. Contact us if you would like to reserve one. The price is $99.00 and includes the Sterling Silver bracelet and two Murano Glass Jewel Pops pictured here plus the a Jewel Pop Compact.